Short Love Story #17(Its good to be nice) |Short Love Stories

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Short Love Story #17(Its good to be nice)

Today, When I was going to market to buy a packet of milk. I saw some poor kids playing football with an empty can. They were enjoying it so much that they even forgot that that they are playing on the road not in a park. One of  them kicked so much hard that the empty can hit the cup of a road side Tea Seller. After seeing the cup in broken pieces, he stood up with anger.
Although , those poor kids were scared thinking that the tea seller would beat them but they didn't ran from there to save them from punishment. They said "Sorry" to the tea seller.
Seeing the kids apologising , tea seller kicked the can towards the kids and said "Playing on road can be dangerous for you all, go play in the park"
All those kids left from there .But just after 10-15 minutes, they came back with something wrapped by newspaper. They present it to the tea seller. When Seller unwrapped that thing, he found a beautiful cup with a letter underneath it.
Letter said
"If you can forgive us forgetting about your loss,we too can do something for such a sweet human being.Thank you"

Instead of winning arguments, forgive and win Hearts.
Keep Forgiving.Keep Loving


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